SIWF – ärztliche Weiter- und Fortbildung
Forschung und Entwicklung - Research and Development

Forschung und Entwicklung - Research and Development

The SIWF aims to ensure that doctors receive high-quality training that is geared to the needs of the population, now and in the future. Our research investigates how to effectively implement and conduct training and includes the players involved, in particular the trainees and training centres, aiming to provide optimum support for their tasks. For our research projects we cooperate with Swiss and international researchers at different institutions.

Das SIWF ist grundsätzlich bestrebt, in seinen Aktivitäten alle Sprachregionen der Schweiz einzubeziehen.  Da für unsere Forschungsprojekte auch die internationalen Kontakte wichtig sind und Forschungsthemen hauptsächlich auf Englisch diskutiert werden, existiert diese Webseite nur auf Englisch.  

Our current projects mainly focus on competency based medical education (CBME) including the use of entrustable professional activities (EPAs). For publications on these topics (by the SWIF or others) see Wissenschaftliche Artikel.

If you have further questions on our research or are interested in collaborating on our projects, we are happy to hear from you. We also offer projects which are suitable to obtain a doctorate from the Medical Faculty University of Bern Studies: Dr. med./dent. - Faculty of Medicine ( 

Please find further information on our current main research projects hereinafter:


SIWF Schweizerisches Institut für ärztliche Weiter- und Fortbildung
Elfenstrasse 18, Postfach
3000 Bern 16

Tel. 031 503 06 00


© 2024, SIWF Schweizerisches Institut für ärztliche Weiter- und Fortbildung